Empowering Families with Garden Towers in Guatemala

In the green, hilly jungles of Guatemala, our partner Be Humanitarian is changing lives through the Garden Tower program.

The crew of ladies who run the Garden Tower program there are a force to be reckoned with. Many of these women are single mothers, and many are young with young children.

This setup is unique because this crew obtains the material, sews the towers, identifies beneficiaries, transports the supplies, builds the towers, and educates the beneficiaries—that’s a huge undertaking for so few people.

From beginning to end, this staff is passionate and dedicated to helping others because they have experienced the impact themselves.

Guatemala is not an easy place to install Garden Towers—the terrain is hilly and carrying bags of soil uphill with a baby on your back is common for these strong women.

Meet Rosa, Garden Tower recipient

Meet one Garden Tower recipient, Rosa. Standing in her small home, Rosa explained that this project has given her confidence, independence, and business skills.

When we toured her home, she pointed at her small stove and refrigerator and teared up when she explained that she could purchase these just recently with the income this project has provided. 

We exist as an organization to give freedom and opportunity to families like Rosa’s all over the world.

Many of our partners have groups who sew our bags for an income, but this is the only partner we have where the sewers are also the builders and administrators.

The staff leader, Carolina, has connected with local universities and the government. Students and professors lend their service and expertise, and the government agriculture department gives their full support and appreciation for the efforts and impact that Be Humanitarian is making.

Empowering Families, One Tower at a Time

Drawing strength from each other, these united women have dealt with losing children, domestic abuse, and poverty.

Rising from this, and standing as leaders in their community, they are breaking the barriers of violence, oppression, hunger, and hopelessness.

In the small community of San Andrea, hope is being grown one tower at a time.


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